
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just A Simple Omelet....

So another weekend is over & another week lies before us all! I hope you have all had a great weekend & feel ready to start the week tomorrow!
My week will be super busy as I am sure yours will be too!
I haven't been messing around in the kitchen all that much lately. So I have just been using my tried & true faves that I know I can always count on to be quick, tasty, healthy & figure friendly! Tonight, you guessed it..... I turned to the incredible edible egg, which is nothing new for me since I eat eggs all the time for dinner! What can I say?! I love eggs!! I made this omelet  kinda like a turkey sandwich with the egg as the wrap!  I just wanted to make them more dinner quality rather than breakfast quality - not that I don't loooove breakfast quality eggs by any means! I could eat eggs & toast for breakfast, lunch & dinner every day!
So, even though this isn't anything fancy I wanted to post in case you need a little reminder about eggs for a quick & easy dinner (or breakfast) that you may not have enjoyed in awhile!
I used 1 whole egg, 3 whites, 1 oz (or 1 thin slice) of deli turkey, 2 fresh tomatoes, just a pinch (not even 1/8 Cup) of 2% mozzarella cheese & a dash of Oregano (my favorite omelet spice!) on top to make this omelet! Paired with a side of steamed mixed veggies instead of toast & jelly & you have a fabulous dinner that is around 200 calories & about 22 grams of protein! ......
I'll take it! ;)

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