
Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday's Challenge For The Week

The week has officially begun & thankfully on a sunny note here 
in small town Tennessee!
I started my Monday with a really great workout & to me.....
 that's the BEST way to kick off a new week!
 I am still really loving doing Yoga at night & am proud to say that I have Syra Namaskar A down to perfection! It is a form of Vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa is a Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. Vinyasa can be decoded from its root words Nyasa denoting "to place" and vi denoting "in a special way." It symbolizes a flowing, dynamic form of yoga, where postures are linked together using breath. I am pretty proud of it too! It helps to know the postures of Surya Namaskar A, but this quick video will detail the transitions between each pose, getting you through the complete cycle. Check it out & try it for yourself right here! Syra Namaskar A is the inspiration for this weeks challenge because I just love the Chataranga movement in the flow!
By now, whether you already had an exercise routine or you just started moving when we started these weekly challenges, you should be used to moving every day! So, keep it up! You can take your exercise routines to whatever level you like just as long as you are being consistent & pushing yourself!  There are lots of magazines you can buy & places to go online to get full training routines if you need one. My favorites are Oxygen magazine & The challenges I post on this blog are to motivate you to get moving & for those of us who are already movers & shakers, they are just a little added bonus!
  This week I challenge you to do 20 push ups every day starting tonight! You can do them on your knees if you need to & you can split it up into 2 sets of 10. Push ups do amazing things for your arms all over & they hit your chest too! You can be sore when you are done! With tank top season upon us, I assure you......It will be WORTH IT!!!!

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