
Friday, April 6, 2012

I am 35 & Wednesday & Thursday's 35 for 35 Workouts

 It's official!!! I am 35 years old!!!
 I have had such a busy week preparing for my birthday party today! I haven't had time to sit down & blog so I am taking a minute this morning to tell you what I did for Wednesday & Thursday's 35 for 35 workouts.
I didn't make it to the gym Wednesday so I did an ab routine & jump rope circuits at home.
This is what I did:
(moving from one exercise to the next w no rest between)
35 regular crunches
35 bicycle crunches
35 reverse crunches
35 double crunches
plank for 1 minute & 35 seconds
*jump rope for 1 minute intervals 10 times

I was planning on doing cardio on Thursday & having my second leg day today, Friday. But, I still have so much to do that I knew making it to the gym wasn't going to happen today so I did my leg day yesterday on Thursday.
This is what I did:
warm up 5 minutes on stair climber
lunges w 15 lb dumbbell 3 x 15 each leg
leg extensions 3 x 15
lying leg curls 3 x 15
glute blaster 3 x 10
seated calf press 4 x 20 - alternating toe position
finished with going back & doing 35 continuous leg extensions & 35 lying leg curls - cutting the weight in half.
*abs - 3 x 15 decline crunch bench
3 x 10 roman chair

Today is Friday (my birthday!) Since I am not going to make it to the gym I am going to do a small circuit here at home as soon as I am done with this blog in a second! I am really looking forward to my party this afternoon & though I kept all the food as healthy as possible, I need to get my metabolism revved up & ready to burn any extra calories from food & beverages! Not to mention that when you lift, it makes me feel better & puffs up my muscles so I want to hit all the important parts so I can look as good as possible for my 35th birthday party! Stay tuned for my after party post full of all the good times & healthy tropical themed foods I made! I came up with some really tasty treats!
Happy Friday!

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