
Friday, March 16, 2012

Technology Free Wednesday

In case you are wondering why you didn't receive a post yesterday...... let me explain. I had my Tuesday workout post scheduled through Blogger to post yesterday at 8 am, but I saw this morning that it never did so I went ahead & sent it through. (I will post yesterday's workout later today.)
This picture of me above is what I look like lately ever since I have gotten my MacBook Pro & to be honest...... I needed a technology BREAK!!!!!  I spend (& I am sure I'm not alone) sooooo much time either on my computer or my phone! There are blogs to write, emails to check, social networks to keep up with, bills to pay,  etc. So, yesterday, I took a break from my computer. I challenged myself to go a day without it & surprisingly, it was easier than I thought! And, I have to say, it was the BEST day I have had in a looooong time!
I started my day by listening to Joyce Meyer podcasts while I got ready to go to the gym. I went to the gym & had a great shoulder, ab & cardio workout. I went to visit my adopted grandmother Mrs Shirley, played ball in the beautiful weather with my babies & even found a few found four leaf clovers! ............
My Lilypad!!!
My Gypsy!!!

I jumped rope (in flip flops) 4  different times for 1 minute intervals without messing up!........ And if you have tried jumping rope in flip flops you know that is an accomplishment!.........
My Body Fit Speed Jump Rope! 

I got in the kitchen & made clean broccoli & cheese stuffed chicken breasts (I got the idea from Rachael Ray while I was on the elliptical Monday & knew I had to skinny-fy her recipe!) on a bed of brown rice with a side of bright & colorful veggies for dinner.
Then I took a hot shower & went to bed early! All in all, I had an awesome day! I got back in touch with things that matter & gained a new perspective. I am going to structure my days & weeks better & make time for things that I normally end up setting aside. You don't realize the insane chaos of life sometimes until you step back from it & get back to the basics.......the simple stuff that makes our hearts  the happiest & our souls the healthiest!

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