
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday Workout

I love this saying! Think how great we would all look if we just applied it to our daily lives?! My favorite training days  (other than biceps & triceps) are always leg & glute days! I guess because that's where I am always really wanting results so I love knowing that I am working toward shaping them up! I train them 2 days a week. At the beginning of the week & at the end of the week. Always leaving at least 2 days in between for rest & recovery!
Yesterday was the first leg day of the week! I already told you yesterday I was on week 2 of Phase 2 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer. If you want to check out the program for yourself, I will post the link below, underneath my workout! I have a bad knee so I have to kind of work around it, so there are some exercises I have to sub for others & I am posting the weight that I am doing right now. Weight is different for everyone so make sure you do what is right for you, whether it is more or less. Just make sure that you adjust the weight anytime you lift so that it is heavy enough that you can finish all reps with good form but where going past the required number would be too taxing. In other words, make sure you couldn't do one more rep! If you don't lift heavy enough, you might as well not lift at all! 
So, here is what the first leg/glute day of the week consists of:
(1 minute rest between sets)
*warm up- 2 sets of 30 (light weight) on leg extension machine
wide stance squat on smith machine - 2 lighter sets of 15 & 2 heavier sets of 15 ( I did 20 lbs for the light, 50 for the first set of the heavier & 6o for the 2nd)
glute blaster machine-3 sets of 10 (80 lbs)
walking dumbbell lunges- 3 sets of 10 (each side) holding 12 & 1/2 lb dumbbells
dumbbell step ups on bench- 3 sets of 10 (each side) holding 10lb dumbbells
plie dumbbell squats- 3 set s of 12 w a 20 lb dumbbell
inner adductors-3 sets of 12 180 lbs
outter adductors- 3 sets of 12 180 lbs
standing calf raise- 3 sets of 20 holding 12 & 1/2 lb dumbbell on the working side
seated calf presses on machine- 3 sets of 20 (position toes different each set to target different parts of your calves) 180 lbs

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