
Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday Workout

My shoulders are definitely my weak spot &something I am looking to strengthen up & an area i want to form more shape. They are always sore since I have been doing nails for 14 years! I have to admit that staying hunched over a nail table for so many years has also taken a toll on my posture. I really started noticing how bad I walk around & sit with slumped shoulders & actually made it a New Years resolution to have better posture in 2012! Standing up tall & straight makes you look slimmer & definitely more confident! And it feels better to stand up straight & tall! So, anyway........Wednesday was shoulder day this week & I gave it 110%! The lateral raises at the end are the ones that always get me! They are tough! The ab routine today is fierce too! It's my favorite one in this Phase! 
Shoulders, Abs & Cardio
(1 minute rest between sets)
dumbbell military press- 3 sets of 10 (light weight) to warm up
upright dumbbell row- 3 sets of 10 (12 & 1/2 lb)
seated dumbbell press- 3 sets of 10 (12 &1/2 lbs)
resume normal sets:
front dumbbell raises- 3 sets of 10 (10 lb)
rear delt flys w dumbbells- 3 sets of 10 (12 & 1/2 lb)
lateral dumbbell raises- 3 sets of 10 w 10 lb dumbbells, then drop immediately to 7 & 1/2 lb dumbbells for 8 rep, then immediately drop to 5 lb dumbbells for 5 or 6 reps. 
(30 second rest between sets)
toe touchers 3sets of 20
crunches 3 sets of 20
resume normal sets:
roman chair 3 sets of 10
cable crunch w rope- 3 sets of 10 (45 lbs)
30 minutes of cardio- I did 10 on the elliptical & 20 on the stairclimber.
*If you need to see demos of the exercises or read more about the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer that I am following, check out the site below!


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