
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Simple Egg Fritatta

Well, here it is...... another end to the week! The weeks go by so fast!I spend so much of my time in the kitchen & although I enjoy cooking, I am going to make it my goal to take this coming Sunday or Monday to prepare all of my food for next week & see how that goes. It may take most of the day but I think i would rather do that than have to cook, plan & prepare every day throughout the week! I am at least going to give it a shot & see how it goes! I'll let you know! 
Well, this week I have been really trying to consume more calories & make sure I am getting adequate protein to build muscle. It has been a challenge & a lot to keep up with! I love My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone! It is so quick & easy to track everything I eat & my exercises! It takes a little effort to get all of my recipes in as you add new ones but it is totally worth it! And, I can view my diary online, too! If you haven't checked it out & you have an iPhone, you should! If you have another kind of smart phone & don't already use a calorie tracking app, you should find the best one for your device & get tracking! It really helps to see what you are eating! You'd be surprised!
Tonight, I ate later than I like to eat because I worked late. So, I thought the incredible, edible egg fritatta  would be the perfect choice for dinner! It can be made a whole lotta different ways, too! ..........I like foods that you can mix 'n match!
Here is the lean & healthy recipe!:
1 carton of egg whites 
2 whole eggs
4 oz cooked chicken breast
2 - 1/3 c steamed & drained sweet peas
2 tbsp salsa
1/4 c fat free or 2% mozzarella cheese

Pour peas into an oven safe skillet sprayed with butter cooking spray & place shredded chicken on top of peas. In a large bowl, mix container of egg whites & 2 eggs with a whisk until you see little bubbles. Add salsa & mix enough to blend it in. Carefully (you don't want to slosh the peas & chicken around too much!) pour the egg mixture on top of the chicken & peas & place on burner til the fritatta gets firm around the edges & isn't watery. Then sprinkle cheese on top & place in an oven heated to 350 until the cheese is melted & fritatta is firm. Just watch it so you don't burn it!
Cut into 8 slices like a pie! 

*You can flavor with salt substitute & pepper, fat free butter spray, put it on top of brown rice or if you want something to dip it with...... try nonfat greek yogurt mixed w salsa! It's really good with a fritatta!!!!
*Prepared this way ..... each slice is 60 calories, 3.4 carbs & 7 grams of protein!

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