
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Honey Lime Shrimp Stir Fry

I'll let you in on a little secret..........stir fry has been one of my favorite figure friendly go to meals for years!!!!  You can do so much with a just a serving of brown rice & your imagination! There are low sodium soy & teriyaki sauces out there but they are so full of sodium that i still avoid them completely & always opt for coming up with a way to flavor them on my own! This time, I was in a sweet & spicy mood.......hence the "honey lime"!
So this is what you do:
*So, for the sauce:
(Make & set aside) Blend a tbsp of nonfat Greek yogurt with 2 tsp of French's honey mustard & just a squeeze of lime juice! It's not only fantastic but adds a little more protein to the dish as well!
*Prepare a bag of boil - in - a - bag brown rice which makes up 2 servings (which means you will have another serving for tomorrow), steam a serving of frozen stir fry w asparagus veggies (or whatever kind of veggies you want), sautee a serving of shrimp (or prepare any other type of lean meat) in olive oil cooking spray w a little garlic, then mix it all up with the honey lime sauce (see below) & enjoy a clean & healthy, extremely filling & very figure friendly stir fry dinner!
It looks just as good (actually better, to me) as a dish you would be served in a restaurant - minus all the extra sodium, calories, fat, MSG, etc! Not, to mention that since this was prepared & served with my own 2 hands....... I don't get skimped on my shrimp, which I love! This pretty dish isn't fru fru either! It's very low maintenance & consists of things you probably already have in your fridge & freezer! If you don't....go to the store ........'cause you should ALWAYS have frozen veggies, lean meat & brown rice in your house if you are watching your weight!
Both brown rice & veggies are packed with nutrition to keep you healthy & they keep you full...... but on good stuff.......not JUNK!!!  And, of course, lean protein is what you need to build muscle, which burns calories, which helps you lose weight......... and those are the reasons we eat right & take care of ourselves anyway, right?! To be healthy so we can enjoy our lives & to become or stay trim! So, look at healthy foods as BFF's! They all stand by each other & work together to accomplish ALL your healthy goals! So, stock up on them & get in the kitchen & be creative! You have nothing to lose by eating healthy......... NOTHING!!!!! But, you have a WHOLE LOT to GAIN!!!!!! ........ & I don't mean weight! ;)

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