
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Afternoon (so good it should be illegal) Nosh

Well, I finally broke down & bought some Ezekiel bread! It is expensive but considering I don't eat bread that often, it's going to last a long time so I figured it would be worth it! I have to say that this is the best bread I have EVER EATEN!!!!!! It is soooo good! I had my first piece yesterday w 1 tbsp natural peanut butter & 1/2 tbsp of sugar free strawberry preserves & I thought I had died & gone to heaven! I mean, literally, I was truly saddened when the last bite was gone! I can't wait to have this snack again! If you haven't tried it yet, you should! It's so good, you'll start looking for the diet police to come arrest you any minute!....... But, it's completely diet LEGAL & actually diet FRIENDLY!!!!  So, enjoy diet freedom & taste it for yourself!

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