
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Protein Packed Brunch!

Happy Thursday! I had a great Leap Year yesterday & I hope you did too! I didn't post this yesterday but.........I officially have a fitness partner to work out with & I am so excited! I have pretty much always worked out by myself so I am looking forward to having someone that can keep me motivated &  try new things with! I have to say that I haven't had the most intense work outs these last 2 days because there's a lot of talking & laughing going on but it's been great! We'll have to get used to working out together & try to keep our gym faces on!  It's going to be hard because we are both cut ups but we also both have fitness goals in mind so that will keep us focused! And who said workouts can't be fun anyway?! ;) We are both going to jump into phase 2 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer on Monday & I can't wait!!!!
So, ok.........I got up an hour earlier this morning & ate my oatmeal w 1/2 scoop of protein powder (nothing jazzy about em today!) so by the time I got to the gym at 9:15 I was already hungry & by the time we were done I was STARVING!!!!! So,  when I got home form the gym, I popped a whole grain protein waffle (from the recipe I made earlier in the week) in the toaster & whipped up an egg & 3 whites, poured em on top of the waffle & melted a slice of 2% colby jack cheese on top! A sprinkle of salt substitute & pepper  & a protein shake on the side & WOOP.....there it is! A protein packed brunch that is sure to keep me full for awhile! It was so good too! The cinnamon-y - vanilla flavored waffle w the eggs & cheese tasted so yummy together! (I am definitely going to have to try it with cinnamon & Stevia sweetened eggs sometime too!) This brunch (minus the shake) rang the breakfast bell at 250 calories, 7 carbs &  25 grams of protein!

1 comment:

  1. Gym face, gym face, gym face... if we say it three times fast maybe it will work!!
