
Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Fitness

TGIF ladies!!!!! The gym just didn't happen for me this morning! I had a million things to do before work & with the severe weather threat looming I opted to go ahead & get it all done this morning in case I couldn't get out this afternoon. We all have days like that...... but it doesn't have to mean that you skip getting in a workout! You just have to be prepared & get your fitness on at home! With all the websites, blogs, fitness DVD's, you tube videos & such that are out there now, there is really NO EXCUSE not to have an at - home workout back up plan! I have several Jillian Michael's DVD's  that I love & I subscribe to several health & fitness websites that are packed full of great workouts! My favorite fitness gurls online are the Tone It Up girls Karena & Katrina! So, if you haven't checked them out yet, DO IT!!!! I have been following them on Facebook & by email for a long time now & I love their workouts for when I can't get to the gym or when my body just needs something different! They have great recipes too! Today I did the Tone It Up ab circuit (which is fierce I might add)  with kettlebell plie squats & 1 minute of jump rope in between each set for a total of 3 sets of all! I was done in under 20 minutes but I know I got in a good workout & torched some calories while targeting my problem areas! It ALWAYS FEELS GOOD TO WORKOUT!!!!! whether you make it to the gym or whether you are sweating in your living room! I can't remember a time I worked out (like, EVER) when I wished I hadn't when I was done. What else in life gives you that kind of personal satisfaction?! So, what are you waiting for?! Check out their website & choose a workout for yourself & DO IT!!!! You will be glad you did!!!

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