
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lemonade on Leap Year!

So today is Leap Year & so far, mine has been great! Leap Year  & lemonade sound good together so I thought I'd devote this post to a few of my favorite refreshing beverges!  Let me start by saying that plain water has it's place. I drink plain water at the gym (I know some of you may do protein shakes or other beverages) & after 4 pm, i switch from my flavored drinks to guzzling regular, premium H20! I have a 52 oz bubba keg & I drink 3 between 4 & the time I go to bed! Yes, I get up during the night to use the ladies room but it gets the days bloat off of me by morning & helps me keep my weight off!  However, during the day, I like my drinks to have flavor in them! I drink A LOT of fluids! I always have! If you see me, I have a beverage either in my hand, somewhere near me or I am headed somewhere to buy one! I never go without something to drink! So, with that being said.......... these  are some of my favorite drinks!
I love True Lemon! They also make an orange flavor that is really good too! They come in packets so they are great for your purse! I love so get a large H20 from Sonic with lemon & lime in it & add a few packets of Stevia to it. I used to drink a Diet Coke from Sonic religiously every day! And, while I still love my Diet Coke...... I have been opting for unsweet tea lately & just sweetening it with Stevia. I also like making a pitcher of unsweet, decaf tea & mixing in a  2 quart lemonade crystal lite & a 1/4 c Stevia for lemonade flavored tea!  I love the Crystal Lite regular lemonade & I LOVE the PINK lemonade (it's so pretty!) Lately I have been buying fresh lemons & limes & using a couple of slices along with a couple of packets of Stevia & just making one glass of lemonade at a time! However you like you water, just make sure you are getting enough of it! If you aren't a water drinker now, try some of these ideas & just challenge yourself to drink a gallon of water every day for a week & especially 2 - 8 oz glasses in the evening in place of what you are used to drinking now & watch the difference it will make! You will feel less  bloated & I would bet you would weigh in a little lighter the next time you step on the scale!

Benefits of Lemon Water
P.s. Check out this nutrition bonus of the lovely yellow lemon! :
Lemons can also relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, bloating, gas and cramping. Drinking lemon water regularly will aid in the cleansing of the bowels, which helps eliminate constipation and diarrhea. A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water helps relieve heartburn. The juice of three to four lemons can also help ease the pain and decrease the flow of excessive menstruation.

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