
Monday, February 27, 2012

Shoulders, Triceps, Abs & Cardio

Wow! I had a great start to this week! It felt so great to be back in the gym this morning! I wrote up a new routine for the next month & I know I am going to like it! Today felt good & challenging! Let me just say that my workout today reminded me of how EVERY workout should feel! They should feel like you haven't lifted in a week if we are really challenging ourselves & lifting like we should! It is so important to stay in touch with the weight we are lifting during each & every workout to get results & I know for gets so easy to just go in & fly through my workouts at a comfortable pace then pat myself on the back when I'm done. But, honestly, we aren't doing ourselves any favors if we aren't lifting heavy enough that our last rep is all we can do yet still maintain good form! Don't mistake what I am saying........ I  believe in "stretch & squeeze" & putting your mind in your muscle so I don't mean lifting heavy for the "wow" factor!  I don't lift so heavy that I lose form. When it feels easier, I squeeze a little longer. So, the weight I lift may not seem impressive to you, but try to apply stretching & squeezing & holding the count on your workouts if you don't already & you'll be surprised at the difference you'll notice! You may not be ready to go up on your weight just yet! Everyone can lift more when putting other muscle groups in on it (like your back) & using momentum! But there is a time for bumping our weight up too! So, that being said....... I am going to really try to stay in tune with how each routine feels & making sure I am staying challenged!
Today was shoulder, triceps, abs & cardio for me! I am going to do cardio 3 days a week. 2 of those days for 30-40 minutes solid & 1 of those days will be 30-40 minutes broken down in 4 10 minute increments in a hybrid circuit w my training. I am also doing abs every day I go to the gym which is 5.
So, here is what I did today:
*dumb bell side lateral raises 10 lbs
*dumb bell shoulder presses with a twist at the top 12.5 lbs
*dumb bell bent over rear delt raises 12.5 lbs
(I completed 3 sets of 12 reps of each exercise w a 1 minute rest in between)
*skullcrushers w EZ bar 20lbs
*1 arm tricep cable pulldown 15 lbs
*dumb bell overhead tricep extension 15 lbs
(I completed 1 set of 12 reps of each exercise in order back to back with no rest.i took a rest after I completed 1 set of 12 of all 3 exercises. I also did 1 set of 12 reps of front lateral raises w dumb bells during each rest period for a total of 3 sets of 12 as an add on to my shoulders.)
*roman chair  bringing knees to my chest) 3 x 12
*stability ball crunch (hold each rep for 2 counts) 3 x 15
(I super set these 2 exercises & I incorporated 3 sets of 12 tricep dips in between  for a total of 3 sets of 12 tricep dips as an add on to my triceps.)
*Cardio-20 minutes on the elliptical  & 15 on the stairclimber

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