
Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday's Challenge For The Week!

So, how have you been doing on these weekly challenges? 
Are you doing them or just reading them???
 Don't be a slacker!! 
Find ways to fit them into your schedule & 
use them to get or stay motivated to move! 
Do them first thing in the morning or at night when you are
 watching TV during the commercial breaks! 
Whenever works best for you!
The past 2 weeks I have posted exercises that focus on the abs. This week, I want you to continue the ab circuit I posted last week but increase your reps, shorten your rest between sets or increase the number of days you perform the circuit. Customize it for your fitness & activity level!

But, the actual challenge  for this week is to increase your daily water intake!
 Water is a key factor to whittling your waistline! 
So, start guzzling! 
While you can find different formulas for how much water you should be drinking, such as an ounce per every pound you weigh or half your body weight..... There really is no set rule of thumb. But, an easy way to determine if you’re drinking enough H20 is to look at the color of your urine. If you’re drinking enough water, it'll urine be clear or pale yellow. A darker yellow means you aren’t drinking enough water. People who exercise require more water & it's also important to increase your water intake in warmer weather too. Water makes up 60-70% of our total body & is vital to all of our organs performing correctly. It keeps our body temperature regulated. It's crucial for shedding belly fat, overall weight loss & even having beautiful skin, hair, nails & teeth!!!! 
So, go pour yourself a glass of premium H20 then read what Web MD has to say on the importance of drinking water here
And what Jillian Michaels' s says about it here!

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