
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday Workout

I have to say that I have always worked my back but have never really enjoyed it like I have lately. It is an area I can really see & feel myself getting stronger! I can visually see my back muscles developing & I can see it at the gym as I continue to lift heavier all the time! Nothing is more motivating than when I actually see myself getting stronger! That is what really drives me to keep pushing myself!
This week I decided to start setting small training goals for myself. Like..... my shoulders are weak, so my first one is to make it through the lateral raises in my shoulder routine strong, with no struggling pause. As of right now, I have to pause. I cannot do all 10 in a row in my 2nd & 3rd set without really struggling. So, that is my first small goal! This Wednesday on shoulder day, I did better. Next week, I plan to do even better! I think setting small, challenging, yet attainable goals is healthy & helps with staying motivated & encouraged!
Here is the back routine I did Thursday from the Live Fit Trainer. The link is posted below if you want to check it out!
Back & Cardio
bent over barbell rows- 40 lbs 3 sets of 8
seated cable rows- 60 lbs 3 sets of 8
resume normal sets:
wide grip lateral pulldown- 60 lbs 3sets of 10
one arm dumbbell rows- 20 lb dumbbells 3 sets of 8
hammer strength lateral pulldown- 25 lbs each arm 3 sets of 10
back extensions- 3 sets of 8
30 minutes of cardio- I did the elliptical

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