
Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Workout

I honestly, kept telling myself this over  & over this week while I was at the gym during my workouts when I felt like I didn't have one more rep in me........ & I especially had to remind myself of it today on my second leg day of the week! It got pretty intense & I just had to talk myself through it & remember how good it feels to complete a workout & know that you gave it 110%! Nobody can take it away from you! There is NO other feeling quite like it! I mean, if you are going to go to gym, don't waste your time without giving it your effort! You will only get out of it what you put into it, so make your contribution to gym time COUNT!!!!
Here is the Leg workout I did Friday. It is the 2nd leg workout of the week in the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer. Working a lagging body part twice in one week is a popular habit in training & most women tend to be lagging in their lower bodies.... I know I am! The link to the trainer is posted underneath the workout!
seated leg curls-55 lbs 3 sets of 10
leg extensions-55 lbs 3 sets of 10
static lunges with 15 lb dumbbells in each hand- 3 sets of 10
inner adductor machine- 150 lbs 3 sets of 20
lying leg curls- 55 lbs 3sets of 10
outer adductor machine- 160 lbs 3 sets of 20
resume normal sets:
stiff legged dead lift- 40 lb bar 3 sets of 10
plie squats- 20 lb dumbbell 3 sets of 12
glute blaster- 80 lbs 3 sets of 10 (partial reps at the end)
standing calf raises (just with body weight-angle toes different each set) 3 sets of 20
seated calf press machine- 150 lbs 3 sets of 20

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