
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cherry Crumble Overnight Oats

Yesterday I started Phase 2 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer & I had a GREAT workout! I was ready to get up & do it all over again before I even went to bed last night so needless to say I wanted to go ahead & prepare my morning fuel that would be perfect to take my through a tough leg workout! What better time to try overnight oats Since I had never had them before?! There are a lot of different ways to prepare them but I stuck to the basics since it was my first time. I took a half cup of oats & added 1/4 cup of unsweetened almond milk & a little water (I added a little extra since the purpose is for the oats to soak it up) & i covered it with foil & stuck it in the fridge overnight. (I heated mine this morning because I love a hot breakfast but a lot of people flavor it & eat it cold) I waited till this morning to add anything else to it but I guess you could add stevia & whatever else you want to season it with the night before if you wanted to.  I just wanted mine to be fresh. This morning, since today is leg day at the gym, I decided cherries would be my fruit nosh of the day since they help reduce inflammation & soreness from strenuous exercise! 1 serving of cherries is a cup, so this morning I added 1/4 c to my oats w a tbsp of crushed natural almonds (small dose of healthy fat & muscle building protein!) & after I workout, I can add 1/4 c to a protein shake, cottage cheese, yogurt or just eat by themselves throughout the first part of my day to get in a whole serving! Anytime I eat fruit, that's how I eat it..... A little spread over the first part of my day. It's best to try to avoid all fruit after lunch because fruit is high in carbs & sugar but if an energy slump hits, it's still better to reach for a piece of fruit than a candy bar! Just try to choose one with the least amount of sugar & carbs!
Read what Muscle & Fitness magazine has to say about this bright & beautiful fruit!:
"If you're interested in keeping your strength up while suppressing muscle soreness, it appears that cherries are a sweet solution. Consider using cherries or cherry juice to help reduce inflammation and delayed-onset muscle soreness and promote muscle recovery.
One to two cups of whole cherries are a great source of preworkout carbs since they're slowly digested, providing a steady supply of energy throughout your workout and keeping insulin levels low. (When insulin rises during exercise, it can limit fat-burning.) Two to three ounces of concentrated cherry juice mixed in with your whey protein shake provides a good source of carbohydrates postworkout (not to mention a tasty bonus), as the carbs in the juice are digested faster than whole cherries. This helps to spike insulin levels when you do want a spike to get that protein into your muscles."

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