
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leg Workout #1

I post this pic because there were a few moments during my workout today I actually wondered if i would make it through it! But I did (thankfully!) & now I am going to blog about it!

*warm up for 5 minutes at a medium pace on the elliptical
deep squats on the smith machine 50 lbs on the bar - 3 x 12
standing calf raises on smith machine (same weight) hold each rep for 2 counts - 3 x 12
walking lunges w a 15 lb dumbbell in each hand - 3 x 12
cable kickbacks w partial reps at the end 50 lbs 3 x of 12 (partials to 15)
inner adductors - 175 lbs - 3 x of 12
outer adductors (scoot all the way to the end to target glutes) - 175 lbs - 3 x 12
glute blaster 75 lbs - 3 x 12
seated calf press (hold for 2 counts on each rep) - 3 x 12
*I took a 1 minute rest between every set before moving on to the next one on every exercise except the inner & outer adductors which I did back to back.
*I finished w 4 sets of 15 crunches on the decline bench raised as high as it will go with a 30 second rest between each set. I am trying to work up to a solid 2 minutes of ab work with no rest.

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