
Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Training - Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer

If you are a follower of my blog then you know that I am doing the Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer on for my training. Tomorrow will actually mark the end of my 3rd week in Phase 2! Last week I posted my workouts & this week I have just been keeping you posted on what I did each day & posting the link to the Live Fit Trainer. I am going to post what a normal training week looks like for me in this post & I have posted a link to the 12 Week Live Fit Trainer in the top right hand corner of my blog. The link is to the introduction page which tells you all about it & how to get started so if you think you may want to, then check it out! There is also a place where you can jump to other pages in the trainer to help you navigate your way around. I have really enjoyed it! I have always followed a routine! You can't just go into the gym & do some machines or lift some weights with no thought behind it. The exercises you do need to be coordinated & brought together in a routine that works your muscles efficiently & allows proper time for rest periods between muscle groups. So, I highly recommend finding a routine that works for you! Whether it's the Live Fit Trainer like I am doing, or another program on, something you get out of a magazine or a couple of DVD's that you can alternate & do at home on a consistent basis. Just find something you can enjoy, that challenges you & make it a part of day & every week!

Monday - cardio, arms & abs
Tuesday- legs
Wednesday - cardio & shoulders
Thursday - cardio, back & abs
Friday - legs
Sat - Jillian Michaels's DVD, jump rope & ab circuit or rest day
Sunday - God said rest.... so I try to do that! 
*I always do legs on Tuesdays & Fridays because it works out best with my work schedule & also leaves enough time for my legs to recover between training. Lately I have been doing 3 days of cardio & I usually always do it on the same days of the week as well. Arms, shoulders & back I move around as I need to & to keep it mixed up!

For the actual training, visit the link to the trainer & read all about it for yourself! It has recipes, a meal plan & videos to help explain everything to you! All of it is printable too which really helps when you are getting started! Happy training!

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